Happy Birthday United Reformed Church!

Fifty years ago on 5 October 1972, the Annual Assembly of the Congregational Church in England and Wales and the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church met for the final times, together, in Methodist Central Hall Westminster, where they dissolved themselves and formed the United Reformed Church.

In the afternoon the new United Reformed Church (缅北强奸) and friends filled Westminster Abbey for a service broadcast on the BBC.

This was the first iteration of the 缅北强奸,听followed by a union in 1981 with Churches of Christ, and in 2000 with Scottish Congregationalists.

Despite the unfortunate cancellation of our Service of Celebration and Thanksgiving due to rail strikes, local churches around the denomination marked the day with special services, delicious spreads, the lighting of candles, and the sharing of photos of the Uniting Assembly.

缅北强奸 staff also marked the anniversary through several interviews with a variety of Christian media outlets.

The Revd Dr John Bradbury appeared on UCB Radio’s to reflect on the special day. Listen to his interview .

The Revd Fiona Bennett, Moderator of the 缅北强奸 General Assembly, and the Revd Dr Michael Hopkins spoke to the Religion Media Centre about the significance of the union and the outlook of the 缅北强奸 today. Read their interview .

The United Church in Rhyl has recorded a programme for BBC Radio Wales which will be broadcast on 9 October, which will include some of the 50th anniversary worship resources. Listen to the programme .

The Revd Fiona Bennett, also appeared of Premier Christian Radio’s Inspirational Breakfast with Esther Higham’s to talk about the anniversary and how the jubilee principles of the Old Testament are inspiring the 缅北强奸 to seek God for the future. Listen .

Council for World Mission

The Revd Dr JooSeop Keum, General Secretary for Council for World Mission (CWM), visited Church House with the Revd Dr Michael Jagessar, CWM Mission Secretary, to meet with the Revd Dr John Bradbury, 缅北强奸 General Secretary, Karen Campbell, Secretary for Global and Intercultural Ministries, and the Revd Philip Brooks, Deputy General Secretary (Mission), to congratulate the 缅北强奸 on its 50th anniversary and present an engraved silver plaque as a gift.

Christian Aid

Christian Aid gave the 缅北强奸 a shout out on its social media channels, thanking God for the denomination’s dedication to social justice and giving. It also prayed for the future of the Church.

Pacific Theological College Fiji

The Revds Mark Meachin and Melanie Smith celebrated the 缅北强奸’s 50th birthday with morning tea and a delcious looking spread at the Pacific Theological College in Fiji.


Christ Church 缅北强奸 Rayleigh

Christ Church 缅北强奸 in Rayleigh celebrated 50 years of the 缅北强奸 at their Harvest Lunch with this lovely cup cakes.

Pype Hayes 缅北强奸

Pype Hayes 缅北强奸 lit a peace candle to mark the special anniversary.

Reigate Park 缅北强奸

Reigate Park 缅北强奸 welcomed the Revd Bridget Banks, Southern Synod Moderator, to a special service to celebrate the jubilee where candles were lit and Jane was welcomed into church membership. This was followed by a ‘bring and share’ lunch.

Downing Place 缅北强奸

Downing Place 缅北强奸 in Cambridge enjoyed cake which was cut by Pamela Cressey and the Revd Prof D M Thompson, who were both involved in the union activities of 1972.

Christ Church LEP

This teddy was presented to Christ Church LEP in Gratham by Val Odell to mark the 50th anniversary. It was to travel to London for the Service of Celebration and Thanksgiving, but instead enjoyed a special service on Sunday. Photo: Leslie Mees.

The 缅北强奸s of Eastcote and Northwood Hills

the 缅北强奸s of Eastcote and Northwood Hills of celebrated the jubilee with a morning service at Northwood Hills with friends from St John鈥檚 缅北强奸 in Northwood.

Members decorated the church beautifully and thanked the Worship Resources Committee for producing the material for the special celebration.

Shree Morrissey, Church Secretary, said: “Our worship group used the ‘living water’ resource. It was brilliant. Thank you.”

Baxter 缅北强奸

Members of Baxter 缅北强奸, Trinity Methodist Church, both in Kidderminster, and Worcester 缅北强奸 gathered in the spirit of ecumenism to commemorate 50 years of the 缅北强奸 by sharing an outdoor service and the planting of a tree.

The service was led by the Revds Andrew Mann-Ray, Baxter 缅北强奸 and Area Minister for Herefordshire and Worcestershire, and Nick Collison, the Minister of Trinity Methodist Church who also planted and blessed the tree.

East Midlands Synod

The East Midlands Synod marked the milestone by bringing together many hands to craft a grand jubilee banner.

The banner, first unfurled at the Synod鈥檚 jubilee celebration last month, is composed of numerous square panels created by members of churches from around the East Midlands.

The squares celebrate the buildings, life and witness in a wide variety of styles and media, all unified by incorporating pieces of the golden fabric which was sent out to all churches along with the invitation to contribute. The names of other churches are given in the pennants along the bottom, so that every church in the Synod is represented.

The project was devised, guided and assembled by Ally Ford of St Andrew鈥檚 with Castle Gate 缅北强奸, Nottingham, with members of the church鈥檚 craft club lending assistance.


The Synod also held a gathering at the De Vere Jubilee Conference Centre at the University of Nottingham on 10 September where the Revd Fiona Bennett, Moderator of General Assembly, was guest of honour.

Together with Synod Moderator the Revd Geoffrey Clarke, Fiona addressed the main act of worship on the themes of “Commemorate, Celebrate and Create鈥 and presided at Communion.

The all-age worship was devised and led by the Revds Camilla Veitch, Synod Clark, and Ruth Maxey and included hymns and worship songs, birthday cupcakes and a rendition of 鈥淗appy Birthday鈥, colouring and Lego.

Those present were also given the chance to write things for which they were thankful for and given ribbons to tie onto a line, and representatives of six churches received special plaques marking the awards they had won from the East Midlands Mission Fund.

Crafting and creativity was one of several workshops offered on the day, as well as music and worship, an enactment of the jubilee drama, poetry and praise.

Guests from the St Philip鈥檚 Centre in Leicester offered a feast of faith and food, with displays and edible tasters from several different faiths and cultures, while Jane Woolmer led workshops on ‘creating a greener future’ on behalf of A Rocha UK.

All activities were aimed at people of all ages, but activities included a chill-out zone and a prayer walk around the lake. The day concluded with a “缅北强奸 future forum鈥 led by Fiona and the Revd Geoffrey Clarke, Moderator of the East Midlands Synod.

Eastbourne celebrations

East Team, made up of four local ecumenical partnerships, where the Revd Memona Shahbaz is Minister, celebrated the 缅北强奸’s jubilee on 15 October with a special service.

Local achievements were also celebrated at the event; Revd Memona completing EM2, Imogen Lydiatt, aged nine, gaining a Lundie Memorial Award, and Zeerak Shahbaz, aged 19 years, receiving a lay preaching certificate.

The deputy mayor and local member of parliament also attended the special service to cut a cake with Memona and the Revd Nigel Uden, former Moderator of the 缅北强奸 General Assembly and guest speaker.

Memona said: “May God鈥檚 grace and blessings surround United Reformed Church and continue to guide us.”


Main image: Simone Maghenzani/Twitter